New Quest : Summon Tempest
rTime limit : 25 min
rQuest rewards : Tempest will join the battle
rFailure : The horn will be destroyed and Tempest would not join the battle
rQuest is not mandatory to complete
rThe horn was located at the museum as an antique piece because it had not been in use for 350 years
rDue to the attack of the blood demon it was severly damaged and would collapse as per the time limit
rNavigation was a nightmare since roads were closed due to debris and flying vehicles couldn't be used because there was a risk of being detected by the boss and the second reason was
rDyne didn't own one
rI was not in a condition to move because there was too much strain on my body due to fighting and clearing the monsters and using hermes boots
rSara was also in the same condition and Elle was our responsibilty even the others were in similar conditions
rDyne : Zee , Ren , Elle it is our turn now , we must do this or our lives will be no more
rHe moved his hand forward and others kept thier hands on his and raised them while yelling
rTeam Omega
Chapter end